We hosted our second Pastor’s Seminar for 2015 on 23 May. The theme was “Back to the Bible, a holy life and repentance. We did this seminar slightly different from the others as we did it in the form of a worship service. We thank the Lord for the way He used His servant, Pastor Mario to faithfully expound the scriptures in a sharp but humble way. God has opened the ears of these men and women to hear His Word by the mouth of babes, this we do not take lightly. God has truly opened a door for us amongst these men, as some of these men were hardened against bible schools or any form of training…. We praise God for this opportunity. After the preaching of the Word we spend much time in prayer. My heart was moved to hear men and women repent and pledging to turn back to God and His Word.

We could experience an attitude of openness and trust between the men and women as they talked about the challenges they face in their ministry and personal lives during our time of fellowship. We want to urge you to continue to pray for them that the Lord will build them up in His Word and that they will seek for His truth.
